Andrea Joyce Heimer
Andrea Joyce Heimer’s paintings unfold like narrative friezes, with landscapes and interiors divided into sections that each capture a distinct moment in her figures’ lives. Her work delves into themes of origin—whether of the universe or of storytelling itself—reflecting her own search for clarity about her beginnings. Heimer’s intricate compositions blend symbolic figures and iconography, weaving references to the Garden of Eden, Greek mythology, and her own deeply personal mythologies. These vivid visual narratives are paired with diaristic, confessional titles, offering an intimate glimpse into the artist’s world. Rendered in a flat, paper-doll-like style, her work evokes both a sense of playfulness and profound introspection.
Andrea Joyce Heimer (b. 1981, Great Falls, MT, US; lives and works in Ferndale, WA, US) received her MFA from the New Hampshire Institute of Art in Manchester, New Hampshire. Her work will be the subject of a forthcoming solo exhibition at the Northwest Museum in Spokane, WA, US, and has been exhibited at the Bemis Center, Omaha, NE, US; CICA, Vancouver, BC; the Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, WA, US; Missoula Art Museum, Missoula, MT, US; Nino Mier Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, US; Kasmin Gallery, New York, US; Nicelle Beauchene Gallery, New York, US; Colombo Gallery, Milan, IT; Half Gallery, New York, US; CG2 Gallery, Nashville, TN, US; Linda Hodges Gallery, Seattle, WA, US; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art, Philadelphia, PA, US; Andrew Edlin Gallery, New York, US and Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York, US. She is a recipient of the Joan Mitchell Foundation award and a finalist for the Betty Bowen Award.